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Phenome Networks, Partner of the G2P SOL Project: Using Genetics Data for Improving Vegetable Breeding Sources

Phenome Networks, Partner of the G2P SOL Project: Using genetics data for improving vegetable breeding sources

Agriculture is facing significant challenges: an increasingly extreme climate change and the emergence of new pests and diseases which affect crop development quality.

To ensure food security, breeders need offspring that can get along with these challenges and to address that burning need, the European Horizon 2020 program funded the G2P SOL Project as a big leap forward in achieving food security.

The project focusses on the four major solanaceous crops:  Potato, Tomato, Pepper and Eggplant.

Understanding and utilizing the genetic diversity is key to the sustainability of agriculture. By sequencing the DNA and specifying the genes, it enables to reveal the inner values: the genes responsible for favorable traits.

In the framework of this project, Phenome Networks’ PhenomeOne platform allows scientists to host, manage, analyze, and share their results of phenotypes and genotypes collected on tens of thousands accessions from various gene banks of the four crops. Data mining and statistical methods are implemented to help identify the genes that affect plant characteristics.

Thanks to this project and a global research alliance of major European and International actors, breeding becomes more predictable and more efficient.

We invite you to watch this short animation movie which presents the G2P SOL Project.