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What We Do

Phenome Networks is a privately owned company founded in 2008 by Prof. Dani Zamir (Chief Scientist) and Dr. Yaniv Semel (CEO). Specialized in plant breeding and variety testing software solutions, Phenome has become a global trailblazer in data management and analysis for plant research. Over 100 companies around the world are already using the PhenomeOne software platform in an array of industries related to plant breeding (vegetable breeding, field crops, ornamental, cannabis, trees and any other crop), including seeds, Food & Beverage, Chemicals and Crop Protection, Oil and Paper.

PhenomeOne is a core operational system for managing all breeding and variety testing data across a broad spectrum of crops, ranging from field crops, vegetables, herbs, and cannabis to ornamentals, trees, berries, and many more. It supports Germplasm improvement and pedigree tracking, breeding field design, planning, and managing selections, crosses, observations, inventory, and more. Amongst other things, the feature-rich platform allows loading current and historical data, manage it in a coherent, user-friendly interface, grant and restrict access to information based on business needs, and conduct in-depth analyses of the data.

PhenomeOne is flexible, allowing seed companies the option to configure a range of unique breeding procedures. Once configured, users can easily and intuitively track their progress on a single-page application.

PhenomeOne is a modular software solution. The modules comprising the system work harmoniously to provide an end-to-end solution covering plant research phases and procedures. The main system module is used as a core structure managing all research data under one roof. Additional complementary modules address the following information-management aspects:

  • PhenoTop module is PhenomeOne’s mobile application used for remote data collection. It can work offline to synchronize observations, photos, and selections taken in the field or greenhouse.
  • The inventory module is a practical tool to digitize tracking and tracing procedures of seed and plant lots.
  • The analysis module is an interactive dashboard with various functional, statistical analyses and visualizations, aiming at providing valuable decision-making tools.
  • The Genomics module is specially designed for effectively managing and analyzing QTLs and GWAS data to understand how the markers impact phenotypic traits.
  • PhenomeBI module provides a list of system recommendations for parent lines to cross in order to find the best hybrids based on the breeder’s desired breeding profile.

The modular nature of the software allows precise tailoring of modules-per-customer. Clients may define which modules to include in their PhenomeOne package at any given time, purchasing additional modules upon demand.