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This module implements workflows integrating inventory activities of tracking and tracing Germplasms Lots throughout the product life cycle during research phases. Thus, inventory management becomes a part of sowing, harvesting, registering the harvested seeds and plants, updating quantities, possibly using barcodes or QR codes, electronic weights, and refractometers.  

Germplasm in PhenomeOne refers to each unique genetic material, while Germplasm Lot refers to the physical entity of the genetics, typically seeds or plants. The same Germplasm (genetic entity) can have multiple Lots (physical seed packets), and each Lot can be stored in each location. Germplasm Lots have a status to indicate their phase within the seed’s life cycle, and they can have variables that characterize the Lot itself or the extraction process of the Lot (such as seed quality, germination, Brix, et cetera). Notably, there’s a quantity for each Lot, indicating the number of seeds in weight (grams) or counts (number). The inventory module includes numerous Lot-related activities, and many other existing actions on Germplasm affect the corresponding Lots:

  • The creation of Lots per each Germplasm with a unique barcode for each Lot
  • Printing seed bag labels
  • Recording stock for each Lot
  • Storage location
  • Tracking each Germplasm Lot’s history
  • Restricting activities to authorized users only

Seed registration can be done through external devices connected to PhenomeOne, such as barcode readers, weights, and refractometers. Overall, this module digitizes the careful management of tracking and tracing inventory in research phases, coherently and usefully.